If you read my previous post about my next game project, one of my next game project candidates will be a 3D shmup. A shmup but without any spaceships, only with super-deformed anime characters running and shooting around 😎 Inspired by a doujin game SisPri Gauntlet. There is a bigger chance that I will develop this shmup/gauntlet type, rather than the Ys-style or Drill Milky Punch-style 🙂
So, on the last 2 days, I played (read: did some researches 🙂 ) several shmup games (and also Dawn Of Mana for PS2 😀 ). I am always not so good in playing shmup games but I grow up playing them. So, I am excited to develop my first shmup.
Yesterday, I made a simple test to see the performance of my game code’s (yes, I am using codes from Tokusatsu Agent). My target is to put 200-300 enemies on the screen (not including the bullets), but when I put 30 enemies, the frame rate dropped from 60 to 30 FPS. Twenty enemies were still OK (55 – 60 FPS).
Poor Hiro surrounded by 30 enemies
Each enemy is about 600 polys, and our hero is about 1000 polys. So all together is about 20000 polys. Yeah, no wonder why it’s so slow 😐 Now I know why shmup developers still stick with 2D graphics 😐 According shmup-dev, you could have more than a thousand sprites on the screen, including the bullets 😯
Bullet hell & Shienryu
So what’s my next step? I will try to change the enemy’s mesh, from animated mesh into non-animated one. Animating 30 .X meshes could take a lot of resources, I think. If this one fails, I will change all characters into pre-rendered 3D (2D sprites). Only the game world stays in 3D, maybe including the main character.
But tomorrow, I will have a break after one week non-stop working. I’ll go to Hamburg with my wife for some window shopping 😈
Nice to see more screenshots from you work. I like your clean style.
And about the game: maybe you can make something similar to Super Paper Mario?
That’s a good idea 🙂 Thanks, redmonk 😉 I’ll have a look at Super Paper Mario or Mario Paper RPG.
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Hello Mr Abiyasa…
Nice to know u… 🙂 My name is Youfan. It’s very nice games. If I’m not wrong, u are a Game Developer aren’t u?
Have u join GameDevId (http://gamedevid.org)? It’s community forum for all game developer from Indonesia… If u have any time, would u like to join? 🙂
Just wanna invite game developers from Indonesia in around the World… 🙂
Best regards,