Checkout my latest game for #onegameamonth project: They were 11 Clones! It’s a 3D top-down twin-stick shooter with a twist: you can clone yourself (up to 11 clones!) & make scores by depositing the clones.
The game is developed using Ash Framework, Starling framework and Away3D 4. You can check the source code at GitHub. Feel free to fork & modify the project as you like 😉
I love twin-stick shooter. I’ve played mini gore, Age of Zombies, Guerilla Bob, & many more, but my favorite is still SisPri Gauntlet. It has chibi characters, big map & levels (instead of open arena), bullet hell, and epic big boss battles.
I’ve always wanted to make one with 3D character but back then Flash didn’t have GPU-acceleration. Now we have Stage3D but there aren’t many top-down shooters yet, so I decided to make one.
What’s with the name? The title was inspired by the movie They were eleven. Why eleven, why not 10 or 8? because the game development was started on November 🙂
I love Ash Framework
This is my second attempt with Ash Framework & I’m really into this framework. It takes time to get used to entity-component-system thingy, but once you get it, your game architecture will be cleaner & easier to manage. Coding will be much fun.
So I’ve decided to convert all my existed game prototypes into this framework. And just two days before I wrote this post, Rob Bateman from Away3D has also re-written his Inawayders using Ash Framework. That’s a good sign.
Finishing is hard
This game was originally made for GitHub Game Off last Nov 2012. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it on time. Luckily, I got my seconds chance through Indie Goodbye. I keep on polishing the game & submit it as my January onegameamonth project. Even the game is still not completed 100% yet (no sound, only blocky character, no character animations, no shiny FX) but I’ve decided to publish it anyway.
It takes discipline and lots of motivation to finish. That’s why I join onegameamonth project as an exercise & also bought McFunkypants’ GameJam Survival Guide book. It’s a really good book on how to finish your game. I totally recommend to read it even if you’re not joining any game jam soon 😉
So what’s next?
onegameamonth for February and playing with Ash Framework JavaScript. Stay tuned 😉
Hi Abiyasa,
Just catching up with your blog and checking out There Were 11 Clones. Interesting little game.
Really look forward to seeing what you come up with using the Javascript version of Ash. Keep me posted on what you come up with.
Brett (@brejep)